Welcome to Aquacoustics.biz - Home of the amigo
Updated 2 May 2019

 The amigo is a navigation aid for maintaining dive buddy contact in recreational SCUBA diving. The amigo will also aid with lost diver search, home navigation, mark for return and recover, and other dive applications. Click information to find out more about the amigo.
With your feedback we have improved the case and charger design, aesthetics and ergonomics and extended the operating depth for technical diving. Click update for progress towards commercial release.
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Following the America’s Cup tragedy that occurred in May 2013 we placed a priority on modifying the amigo hardware and software to develop an in-water crew location device for competitive yachting and power boat racing. Our new product is the amigo-crew. Click information to find out more about the amigo-crew.
The amigo is expected to be available for retail sale in 2020.